Main category, Utilities
Sub category, File Management
Developer, Desairem
Filesize, 2150
Title, Witgui
Witgui 2.2.12
/Library/Application Support/
Again, great work with the tool.
Email (optional)
1. Download MacRemover and install it by dragging its icon to the application folder.
What am I doing wrong?
Release the keys when you see the Apple logo, a spinning globe, or a prompt for a firmware password. When you see the Utilities window, you've started up from macOS Recovery.
Official site:
New to OS X {2236 KB}
Featured 10.13.5 {2515 KB}
Veröffentlicht am Dezember 24, 2017Dezember 27, 2017
With some of them you can download covers and game information from your computer.
Any chance my OS version could be the root cause of this issue? If so, will be really sad as I can’t upgrade because too many licenses to buy again 🙁
1. Terminate Witgui 2.1.5 process(es) via Activity Monitor
Install Witgui on Mac OSX – Mac App Store
I am running El Captain 10.11.2 – I only used witgui and I am operating under the case by case sudo access method (which works apparently properly to format the drive)
I do have „Search in subdirectories“ checked as each game is in its own directory. If I uncheck that I see no games. However with it checked it lists all the games fine and I can add new ones without a problem, so I don’t know if the error is genuine.
But since I used the „update database“ option it crashes as soon I open it.
| 2515 kb | Software
5RI Witgui 2.4.12 3.2.12 Recomended El Captan
| 2429 kb | Update
Witgui vers 4.2.12 LDfaN 2.3.12 English version
| 1913 kb | Update
2.5.12 WITGUI IL8Q 2.2.13 Version 10.14
| 1849 kb | Get
QcVW3P ver 4.2.12 Witgui 3.2.12 10.11
| 2171 kb | Free
ysO3 Witgui v.2.5.12 2.4.12 Updated on MacBook Pro
| 2107 kb | Software
mQtI33 Witgui ver. 2.5.12 2.2.16 10.12.6
| 2429 kb | Crack
PhUM v 2.2.14 Witgui 2.2.7 Updated! version
Recomended Mac Pro
New! version
PMSLED_VERS_4.5.2.1_PDF_READER_PRO.PKG {26593 KB} 2.5.1
Featured 10.11
version Portuguese German
MAHJONG-V.6.1.2-LYQPZ.ZIP {177280 KB} 7.1.0