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- Default search mailbox setting for IMAP accounts
That said, it's incredibly convenient to turn an email message into a standalone webpage that can be shared with other people. I've started doing this to quickly share interesting, non-confidential emails with friends who aren't part of our Spark team, and it's a great substitute for the traditional forward or print-to-PDF approach. I like that the resulting webpage keeps the original formatting with selectable text and even lets you tap on attachments to download them with your web browser.
Choosing between Archive and Close should be less confusing
Handle sharing non-image files to Missive
15 recommended
“Mark messages as read upon opening” setting
Searches not being alphabetically sorted in sidebar. June 27, 2016 More buttons shown for multiple selected conversations Seamless integration into Gmail through Chrome and works on all types of computers. Offers a reliable email tracking feature as well as a bunch of other features. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS64-bit processor I currently have an iPhone 6 Plus in Space Gray with 128GB of storage. I managed to chat with my Dad when he upgraded and convinced him to pass this one down. I tend to only replace my phone every 1-2 years, dependent on whether I need to. Option to add extra people to a team room no longer shown - Don’t clear comment box when pressing ESC
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