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Zimbra LDAP Server
Global Documents Account
Select the time zone to apply to the default COS. The time zone that should be entered is the time zone that the majority of users in the COS will be located in. The default time zone is PST (Pacific Time).
$ sudo apt-get install claws-mail
Go to:
This is the master LDAP password. This is the password for the Zimbra admin user and is configured on every server
How to solve Zimbra zmconfigd not running/starting
Using freely available reference Zimlets as well as Zimbra and 3rd party APIs, you can quickly build and deploy new Zimlets that are tailored to the specific workflows that will streamline your business.
Final Set-Up (optional)
Zimbra dramatically improves the messaging and collaboration experience for administrators and users. Zimbra achieves this by investing in innovation, open source, and compatibility with existing applications and systems. The Zimbra Collaboration Suite supports Windows, Apple, and Linux platforms and works with Microsoft Outlook as well as other PC and mobile clients. Additionally, Zimbra provides an AJAX browser based client that delivers rich, secure, anytime access for anyone within the enterprise.
Tag search on calendar throws NO_SUCH_TAG exception. (Bug 44195)
;; global options: +cmd
POP SSL proxy port
Security: Check SSL for this option. This should change your Port to 443
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