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SlidePad is a powerful, convenient note-taking application for Mac OS X, that slides in from the side of your screen when you want to take notes, and slides back out again when you're done. It makes it convenient without hurting your normal workflow patterns.
Key features in a nutshell:
- Quick and unobtrusive note-taking. SlidePad integrates seamlessly with your workflow: you call it up with a single keystroke, enter your notes, and hide it again with the same keystroke. And that without every leaving your keyboard.
- Powerful editing. Spice up your notes with SlidePad's powerful text editing features: format the notes with your favorite font family, style and size. SlidePad also lets you add images and photos with simple drag and drop.
- Flexible options. SlidePad allows you to choose from which side of the screen to appear (left or right), and lets you set the key combination to show and hide the notepad.
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