10.13.4 how download Helix RADE 6.2.4

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7168 KB, Business, Applications, Helix RADE, QSA ToolWorks, LLC

v.6.2.4 helix rade

Helix RADE (Rapid Application Development Environment) enables the creation, deployment and maintenance of customized relational database solutions for solving information management problems. Featuring a proprietary graphical development environment that does not require traditional programming skills, Helix RADE (the development tool) gives the designer the ability to develop applications that can range from simple single user databases to complex workgroup solutions. Applications developed with Helix RADE can be executed in single user mode without any additional software, and can be deployed in client/server mode without modification. Helix RADE contains the complete development and end user environment, making the initial cost for production very low. Should the business or application requirement grow, the application can be deployed as a client/server solution by purchasing a Helix Server license.
New licenses for Helix RADE are available for $399, with additional seats available for $199 per seat. View the Helix price list for additional information.

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QSA ToolWorks, LLC
Site: http://www.qsatoolworks.com/product/europa/

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